Sir once the decision to combine with 863 or not combine is finalized, let’s get your vote started asap - if you are ready!
I do have a couple of comments however.
- I strongly recommend uploading a final csv of the payout recipients to IPFS using a service like so we have an immutable version.
- Your option 2 will result in more being paid to addresses on your list than was paid to other v1 users via the first v1 sunset vote. It is your choice, but this seems to create more problems in general. Personally I would use the same amount for all options (first sunset vote op4-op2 amount) and give different options for percentage of treasury fee income to use, e.g. Option 1 17.5%, Option 2 25% …)
Will you use the same address as last time? 0x89...39C
Please also post title, description, and vote options here so we can have everything ready to go. Previously we handled this on discord but I feel it’s more appropriate to handle everything here on the gov forum